Elektra Catalunya GRANOLLERS

Elektra Catalunya GRANOLLERS - Point of Sale Logo

Sale of Electrical material in Barcelona

Enjoy a stock of top brand products with proximity, speed and expert attention

In ELEKTRA CATALUNYA GRANOLLERS we supply quality electrical material and expert advice to professional installers and industrial companies in the regions of Vallès Oriental and Maresme.

We are specialists in industrial automation and machine safety. Of course, in ELEKTRA CATALUNYA GRANOLLERS our customers also enjoy good products and knowledge about key areas of our industry such as electrical panels, lighting, home automation, etc..

If you are a professional in the area, do not miss the opportunity to improve your day to day with a quality service, good products and continuous training: in ELEKTRA CATALUNYA GRANOLLERS we attach great importance to constant learning, both for our team and our customers.

Take advantage to keep your service permanently in shape!

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Elektra Catalunya GRANOLLERS - Store - Grupo Elektra
Elektra Catalunya GRANOLLERS - Store - Grupo Elektra