Valektra PUERTO DE SAGUNTO - Point of Sale Logo

Sale of Electrical material in Valencia

  • C/ Batería antiaérea Klement Gottwald, 2 (A)
  • (antigua calle Juan de Austria, 85)
  • 46520 Puerto de Sagunto, Valencia (España)
  • Tel: 962691359

When you come to buy electrical material and you also take all this

At VALEKTRA PUERTO DE SAGUNTO we apply the human factor to everything we do.

The human factor means treating customers with closeness and naturalness. The human factor is empathy, knowing that every decision our customers make is a strategic decision that can improve the quality of their service.

That's why at VALEKTRA PUERTO DE SAGUNTO we take great care of our stock, as we know how important it is for those who visit us to find the appropriate solutions they need for their projects.

The human factor is to dedicate part of our efforts to become experts in the areas that bring more projects to the professionals in our area. That's why if you come with any doubts about electrical panels or automation, you will leave here much more informed and sure that you are doing the right thing.

A support that we carry out in all phases of your project, if you need it: before, during and after.

In short, at VALEKTRA PUERTO DE SAGUNTO you will not only buy your electrical material, but you will feel that you will never work alone.

Will you come to check it out?

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Valektra PUERTO DE SAGUNTO - Store - Grupo Elektra
Valektra PUERTO DE SAGUNTO - Store - Grupo Elektra
Valektra PUERTO DE SAGUNTO - Store - Grupo Elektra
Valektra PUERTO DE SAGUNTO - Store - Grupo Elektra